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Exposition FCK Intrusion 

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au vernissage de notre nouvelle exposition «  FCK Intrusion »

qui se déroulera le vendredi  8 octobre de 18H à 22H00.

Nous sommes très heureux d’ouvrir la saison d’automne avec  vous et de rassembler dans cette édition les œuvres de Christophe Demaitre , Jan Bucquoy et Werner Pans.

Trois  artistes anarchistes (n’ayons pas peur des mots)  qui se connaissent bien, qui  à  leur manière cultivent depuis des années l’art subtil de la provocation, de l’onirisme et de l’autodérision.

En cette période difficile où nous avons connu les pires restrictions à nos libertés individuelles,  où l’impression de déjà-vu est bien présente, Hôte gallery propose via cette exposition une grande bouffée d’air pur, de rires décalés (car il vaut mieux en rire) mais surtout de résistance car le combat ne fait que commencer.

L’exposition sera rehaussée  par la présence d’une sculpture du célèbre artiste anglais John Atkin, peut-être la clef de la solution  et  qui nous démontre qu’on ne peut jamais être casé dans un seul tiroir, encore moins l’histoire que nous écrivons en ce moment même avec vous.

Exposition FCK Intrusion /  8 octobre au 28 novembre/ du jeudi  au dimanche  11H00 18H00

Vernissage/ 8 octobre/ 18H00-22H00

Concert  Alice Martin/ 29 octobre/ 20h30

Projection Jan Bucquoy /  19 novembre/ 20h30

Finissage/ 28 novembre/ 16h00-19h00

Pas de réservation souhaitée, welcome !


Christophe Demaître studied plastic art first in Kortrijk, then in Gent at Rik Vermeersch and Michaël Borremans’ studios. In the early 90’s, his work is oriented towards photography research, and he travels a lot through Europe and Asia.

In 1997, he settles in Italy for six years where he paints while developing several academic technics. There he starts to be renowned and exhibits in prestigious institutions. Christophe Demaître travels to Barcelona a few times, where he is inspired by the “Arte Povera” movement. After his travels, he decides to settle in Brussels and continues the work on photography he left aside years beforehand.

In 2006, Christophe Demaître is invited by Island 6 Arts Center in Shanghai where he develops his work using multimedia technologies. Fascinated by the ultra-dynamic city, the artist decides to settle a second studio in Shanghai where he spends half his time.

To date, his work is renowned and is part of various public and private collections, including Power Station of Art and Deutsche Bank.

Ifa Gallery



Jan Bucquoy never does what you would expect. One minute he is a performer and the next, a filmmaker. You expect one or the ether but suddenly he mixes the two. Do not mistake this, however, with confusion or absent-mindedness. It should also not be confused with the desire to always be in the foreground or fashionable or even the intention to launch a new fashion, novelty for novelty's sake, in order to be the center of attention.

On the contrary, he wants to escape from all this, the performance society and the means used to fan his vanity. All this wandering around and change of course by Jan Bucquoy is, if closely examined, an arsenal of tactical movements or, even, strategie movements which he has put in place since the end of the sixties. This is a continuation of the same struggle under the guise of diversity. What appears to be chaos is actually well thought out, voluntary chaos, in the sense of a resolute protest against the established order. It is the start, the blueprint for a revolution.


François Coadou


Werner Pans

Brussels 1958

Lives and works in Mesnil-Eglise, Belgium


« Mes oeuvres et moi ne répondent pas à quelque chose ni à quelqu'un

mais répondent DE (l'humanité) ».


I am not interested in ‘pretty’ painting or paintings

of aesthetic value, but since the early days rather in the soul and

the unknown, the unseen of society’s underlying contemporary topics.


An artist roadtrip through 5 decades at the frontline of art & society


Werner Pans takes us for a wild ride at the base of counter-cultures of the 60s-70s-80s, show us first hand impressions and art agitations during the next 2 decades resulting with the awakening of human consciousness into the age of space. During the period 2010-2020 the artist alerts us about the epic times unfolding in front of our distorted views.


Influenced by the art of propaganda, urban landscapes and space futurism from the beginnings, the totality of flemish artist Werner Pans works asks us to open our minds.


The acrylic paintings on Craft paper early 80’s move on as times drives by to more abstract, rich in depths and glazing oil coloured artworks. Neverless the rebel content stayed in Da House overnight.

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